Workforce & Education Solutions
Alabama’s leader for Workforce Talent Attraction
Source: Emsi
Developing a strong and sustainable workforce pipeline for your business is our top priority in Baldwin County and the State of Alabama. Home to AIDT, one of the premier statewide workforce training programs, Alabama has set the standard for workforce training, and, in Baldwin County, we are preparing our current and future workforce for your success.
With over 32,000 students attending Baldwin County public schools, our local workforce pipeline continues to grow to meet industry needs. In response to the growth of business and industry in our region, the Baldwin County Public School System has broken ground on Baldwin Preparatory Academy, a specialized Career Tech High School, which will provide advanced technical training in a full-time high school setting for any student in Baldwin County.
Adding in Baldwin County’s regional 4-year university partners, specialized training facilities, and Coastal Alabama Community College, our community is prepared to meet your workforce and training needs with innovative solutions.

Workforce Partners